HISTORY OF WOOD WAVES & WHEELS Contribution from Jim Edenfield
Grey McGown, sometime in the mid-80s, produced a car show (Concours) at FWBC. It was a stand-alone event. Fast forward to the late 90s, Commodore Peter Lagergren and Jim Edenfield are found in manager Evelyn Babin’s office, brainstorming ways make Opening Day something more than a brief Saturday afternoon event. Following a few false starts, there began a session of reminiscing fun events of the past and then “eureka!” A car show. Not a potentially stuffy concours event, but just a friendly drive in, park your interesting, unusual or classic car on the lawn and enjoy a splendid spring afternoon overlooking the lake and enjoying the cars and hospitality that FWBC has to offer. It was to fill the afternoon following the Opening Day ceremony with cars, music, good food and good weather (hopefully) and other than food and drink, it was free for members and guests. Very soon the event grew out of its role as a filler for Opening Day and became a stand-alone event, all the while keeping to the casual spirit that was present from the beginning.
The initial year included participation by the Eagle Mountain Lake Classic Boat Club, but several years passed without their participation until the leadership of both groups were able to come together and make the show a regular event for both cars and boats and along the way, motorcycles have been welcome as well, although the passing of a renowned restorer/collector has diminished the two-wheeled showing.
Following the inception, Jim Edenfield chaired the show for thirteen years, followed by Berkeley Merrill for about four years with Laura Grunewald continuing up to the present.
In 2019 with the encouragement from Berkeley, Trey Bull and faithful volunteers, Berkeley & Nancy Merrill, Dawn & Edwin Youngblood, Jim & Lynette Edenfield, I was honored to take over for the cars & motor cycles. 2022 brought in a few new volunteers Karen & Warren Horgan and Craig Stephens. Of course, Kenneth Jones Real Estate, the FWBC office staff which includes Greg, Darnell, Casey, and Dave, have been very valuable help in assisting me.
In order to keep this a free event, Please, Please enter the 50/50 drawing. This helps pays for the awards, dash plates and supplies. You do not have to be present to win. However, it’s much more fun if you are. I encourage everyone to come on out May 13th and participate in the show...either showing a vehicle, mingling with the crowd or enjoying a beautiful afternoon..